Floriade Almere 2022 B.V. is organising the Expo together with the NTR (Nederlandse Tuinbouwraad/Dutch Horticultural Council), the Municipality of Almere, Flevoland Province and other partners.

Chief Contracting Party: Floriade Almere 2022 B.V.By 2050, nearly 70% of the world population will live in cities. How do we keep cities safe, healthy and attractive?
With its Growing Green Cities theme, Floriade Expo 2022 will focus on the Green City of the Future. Everything revolves around the four subthemes: green, food, energy and health. We want to challenge visitors to discover, to be touched and to change: ‘Explore. Touch. Change’.
Host and Co-organiser: The Municipality of AlmereAlmere wants to position itself as the Green City of the Future: a centre of knowledge and commerce, a place where solutions are found for the urgent urban issues in the areas of climate, green, food, energy, water, health and waste. In addition, the Floriade will be the genesis of a new, permanent neighbourhood in the centre of the city, called Hortus.
Co-organiser: Flevoland ProvinceFloriade Expo 2022, the world horticultural exhibition, is a one-of-a-kind event and is therefore a unique opportunity to put Flevoland on the map. In Flevoland, national and international frontrunners in their sector will show what they are proud of, to the public and to conduct business. Flevoland will have its own pavilion on the Expo showground. In this pavilion, the Province, municipalities, entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions will be able to show what they excel at. The Province will not only show what they are proud of, but also strengthen the (knowledge) economy by entering into partnerships with peers who are defining the challenges of the future.
The theme of 'Feeding the City’ has been chosen for the Innovation Pavilion, with food and health as its main sub-themes. How can we provide sufficient and also good quality food for the growing world population? Whether you choose for worldwide production, or for a niche in the local market: Flevoland can show agility, resilience, sustainability and progressiveness in its pavilion. In the run-up to Floriade Expo 2022, the pavilion can be used to stimulate and support this. This visible presence can go on for the whole of the Expo (either in person or via short videos, for example), a part thereof, or even one day (e.g. a symposium). One and a half years prior to the opening of the Expo, the pavilion is already available, and it will continue to be available after the Expo, as a part of the Flevo Campus.
Together with all the partners, a programme will be developed for the six months of the Expo, both in and around the pavilion. All partners must feel that they can make use of the Innovation Pavilion to exhibit and to do business. But also, that the Floriade has offered them sufficient opportunities for receiving visitors and to do business across the entire province.
Co-organiser: Nederlandse Tuinbouwraad (NTR/Dutch Horticultural Council)The NTR is the license holder and co-organiser of the Floriade Expo 2022. As part of the implementing decision for the Floriade, a cooperation and license agreement was signed with the NTR. In this agreement, the framework conditions and recommendations - which the NTR formulated when it awarded the Floriade to Almere - are converted into agreements for cooperation. The license agreement also sets out the framework in which the Floriade brand name will be marketed. The approval of two international institutions is important: the Association of International Horticultural Producers (AIPH) and the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE). The BIE granted its ‘world horticultural exhibition’ certification to Floriade Expo 2022, following consultation with the AIPH, which had already given its permission. Agreements between AIPH and BIE are set out in a contract.
Partner: Central GovernmentWith respect to the government, the Floriade subscribes to the ambitions as laid out in the RRAAM Management Accord/Almere 2.0. The Ministries of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality; Economic Affairs and Climate; Infrastructure and Water; and Foreign Affairs have all formulated a joint work agenda in which the Floriade is linked to the top sectors of Horticulture and Source Materials, Agriculture & Food, Water and Life Sciences, and the international positioning of the Netherlands as a trading nation. Furthermore, there is an intention to grant the Floriade site a distinct status, as a special zone with rules regarding tax, imports, working and residence permits and working conditions. In 2016, the Cabinet appointed a governmental commissioner for the cooperating with cities outside the Netherlands as well as the international lobby. Finally, the government has been asked to translate its interest in the success of this world horticultural exhibition into a financial contribution.
Partner: Floriade Employment AgencyThe Floriade Employment Agency helps those who are distant form the labour market to leave the registers of the Municipality and UWV, and to sustainably re-enter the world of work. It is an innovative concept involving a public-private partnership between Floriade Almere 2022 B.V., the Municipality of Almere and Randstad. The foundation for the project is SROI (Social Return on Investment) agreements with all the Floriade's investors and contractors.
Partners: Floriade Business Club and Floriade CircleFloriade Business Club (FBC) was founded in 2017 under the responsibility and direction of Floriade Almere 2022 B.V.. Their goal is to provide local, regional, national and international entrepreneurs a special network and involvement in the Floriade, as well as inspirational meetings and knowledge exchange on sustainability, both during the ‘making-of’ period and during the Floriade itself.
The Business Congress Almere (VBA) has set up a separate Floriade Circle. This Circle is the link between regional entrepreneurs, the Municipality, the Province and Floriade Almere 2022 B.V.. All the members of the VBA also automatically become members of the Floriade Circle. The Floriade (both the Municipality and Floriade Almere 2022 B.V.) have as their ambition to give companies from Almere, where possible, a good opportunity with respect to its procurements.
Partner: Aeres Group Flevo Campus is an initiative by the Aeres Group. The goal of the initiative is to arrive at a cluster of research, development, teaching and entrepreneurship that focuses on innovations concerning food issues in the urban context, health and green urban development. In the first instance, this concerns how people in cities feed themselves and what this means for their health. But it also concerns how this works with a green city, developments in the agricultural sector, energy production and a circular economy. The campus development on the Floriade showground has already begun and will be partly finished before 2022 and will function independently after 2022.
Partners of the Flevo Campus are Flevoland Province, the Municipality of Almere, Wageningen University, TNO, the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, Deltares and the business community. The Municipality of Almere and the Aeres Group signed a purchase agreement for the land in 2018.
The Horticultural SectorThe Green City Arboretum Covenant was signed in 2017. It concerns agreements between Floriade Almere 2022 B.V. and the Municipality of Almere for the creation of the Green City Arboretum. The Arboretum is the special collection of trees and plants which will be an important pillar of the Floriade showground. There is a great deal of involvement by growers from across the Netherlands. They have donated a considerable amount of the necessary trees for the arboretum. These trees are the calling card for the horticultural sector during and after the Floriade. The horticultural sector will also be invited to participate in the following rounds of plantings of the Green City Arboretum.
Amvest Vastgoed BV and Dura VermeerThe Municipality of Almere and Amvest Vastgoed BV set their signatures under the Floriade Development Contract in December of 2018. With it, the Municipality has harnessed a significant engine for developing the Expo showground and the Floriade city neighbourhood, which has been christened as ‘Hortus’ by Amvest. It is a remarkable area development because the civil engineering works (which began in 2019) will take existing trees into account. Together, these trees will be one of the most significant calling cards of the Floriade: the Green City Arboretum. That is complex and partly for that reason Amvest will be working with a partner that has a great deal of experience doing this: Dura Vermeer.
Partners Almere CentreIn 2015, Ondernemersvereniging Stadscentrum Almere (OVSA/Almere Centre Entrepreneurs Association), estate agents, Almere Centre Platform, Windesheim and Aeres Secondary School, cultural institutions, Almere City Marketing and the Municipality of Almere signed a covenant regarding the relationship between the Floriade and the city centre. It covers, among other things, the development of the area around the station, the 'Green Carpet', an activity programme and the expenditure of marketing budgets. The Centre partners, Floriade Almere 2022 B.V. and the Municipality of Almere are working together to develop these plans further.
The Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (RWS) and Central Government Real Estate Agency (RVB)The widening of the A6, commissioned by the RWS is a part of the Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere (SAA) road-widening works. The renovated A6 was completed in 2019, one year earlier than planned. The widened A6 provides for its own energy needs and is therefore energy neutral. Apart from the widening of the A6, the A6 project also includes the performance of the landscape plan up to Weerwater Zuidoever. The Municipality of Almere and the RWS have signed a cooperation contract containing agreements regarding this plan.
A large part of the Floriade showground was in the ownership of the Central Government Real Estate Agency (RVB). This concerned approximately 24 hectares, of which a large portion is water (approximately 10 hectares). In January 2019 the transfer of ownership from the RVB to the Municipality took place.
Amsterdam, Metropolitan Region of AmsterdamThe Municipality of Amsterdam confirmed its intentions concerning cooperation in a letter (2015). Floriade Expo 2022 is a world horticultural exhibition from and by the metropolitan region. Furthermore, it is the foundation for a joint work agenda on sustainability and economic development.
The Green Amsterdam Logistics Area lab (GALA-lab), a consortium of private and public parties under the direction of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, has named the Floriade as one of its living labs. Experiments with improvements to access, the greening of logistical flows and the smart use of data will be carried out in the living lab.
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