New Path: New initiative of Locals Aquaponics Farm will lead to helping local communities to be able to eat organic produce regardless income or location.
Locals allow for everyone to be able to eat organic produce regardless or income or location, and allow for cities to grow smart. Their mission is helping local communities.
The venture combines sensors with technology in a vertical aquaponics growing system to supply a sustainable source of organic produce. The project started on a small scale after years of research and development to meet the growing demand for organic produce that is affordable for the consumer and grown in a transparent and social responsible manner.
“This business grew out of a desire to preserve and protect the environment for this and future generations. Researchers and engineers who examined this project have agreed this is a groundbreaking initiative that will lead to help a large number of consumers lead healthier lives.
"Having access to organic food is the best way for them to avoid the supplements and synthetic items like food coloring, preservatives and chemical additives which damage the immune system and cause serious health problems every year,” says Mrs. Robinson, CEO of Locals.
A fundraising campaign was recently launched on the crowd funding site, Indiegogo, to raise money to start development and production of organic food and take the company to the next level. The business partners have invested thousands of dollars in the last five years to set up the small scale aquaponics farm and are now ready to take the venture commercial.
With the high-quality organic food produced, the company aims to significantly reduce the cost to the consumer and provide affordable alternatives for them to live healthier lives.
About the owners
Nadia Robinson has played vital roles in launching three start-ups prior to Locals. She has degrees in Biotechnology, Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises, and has multiple years of greenhouse experience as well as other growing experience. Louis Bookoff is currently majoring in Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises and Accounting at the Whitman School of Management. He has a passion for food and has led various marketing campaigns for restaurants and a startup company.
For more information, contact: Nadia Robinson
Address: 1103 r Harvard St NW Washington , DC 20009
Email: info(at)localsgrowsmart(dot)com
Mobile Phone: 2025771009
Website: –
Indiegogo campaign:
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