Pieter Smits, chairman of Stichting Dubbel A, an establishment for promoting asparagus, said he was proud of the opening. Despite only 1 percent of the world's asparagus fields being in Holland, the Dutch asparagus has left its mark all over the world. A reputation which is, thanks to a big history of continued research, which has placed the Dutch asparagus among the worlds best. "With today's opening we certainly upheld this reputation." Smits emphasizes the health benefits, that the asparagus consumption brings. "When I stand on the scales at the end of June, I'll have lost at least 15 kilos!"
Chairman Paul Beck of the Floriade called himself a happy man, now that he could receive, besides Queen Beatrix, the Asparagus queen of 2012, Diane Vlemmix from the Limburgs Horst, in the Floriade. "The white gold is the crown of the Dutch horticulture, it's that important for the Dutch export."
Albert Verlinde was named the new asparagus ambassador, as the successor of Paul Fagel. Verlinde received the first box of asparagus and the document from Smits. Smits christened him Triple-A (Asparagus Ambassador Albert).
Stichting Dubble A organises the yearly opening of the National Asparagus season. In Dubbel A the following parties are represented: Aceera Ltd, Brabants Asperge Genootschap, Confrérie de l’Asperge Limbourgondie, Nationaal Aspergemuseum de Locht, the Greenery, and ZON Fruit and Vegetables.
Many traders, cooks, growers and interested people were present at the opening of the asparagus season. Click here for a photo report
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