Saturday, April 23, 2011

Floride To Showcase $14.5 Million 'Healthy Hothouse'

At Wageningen UR, NL, the program 'Gezonde Kas' ('Healty Hothouse)' was initiated this month. Research Institutions and businesses in the border area between Germany and the Netherlands are cooperating in this project.

Inerreg (an initiative of the EU to fade out boundaries), German and Dutch governments, and the business sector have jointly made ten million euro available (about $14.5 million). Wageningen UR is the lead partner and responsible for coordination.

A consortium of Dutch and German research institutions and companies will during the next four years cooperate in developing a sustainable management system of disease and plagues in the modern glass horticulture. In this system, various techniques for the timely discovery and the efficient prevention of disease and plagues will be combined.

This integrated program recognizes the importance of glass horticulture in the region Greenport Venlo and the agrobusiness Nederrijn and stimulates the innovation in horticultural supply in the Dutch-German border area.

Broad cooperation
Carolien Zijlstra of Plant Research International (PRI) of Wageningen UR will coordinate the project 'Gezonde Kas.' She emphasizes the importance of the coupling of technology. "Modern hothouses are large and observation and the fighting of disease and plagues is becoming more and more difficult. There are all kinds of sensors on the market, but a grower is not helped with the separate systems. An observation must be understood correctly and on that the correct decision and efficient measures have to follow. It is therefore central in the project that the technology is adjusted to each step. "

The project ''Gezonde Kas" is to supply a system for plant protection enabling growers with modern hothouses to control disease and plagues better with less chemical means. Following the planning a demonstration hothouse will be established in the region and at Floriade in 2012 in Venlo and at the IPM 2015 in Essen the system will also be shown.

Within Wageningen UR researchers of the business units ‘Bio-interactions and HortiHealth’, ‘Agrosystymatics’, ‘Biometris’ and ‘Hothouse Technology’ in conjunction with the Department for ‘Applied Mathematics and Statistical Methods' of Wageningen University will
cooperate in this project.

Furthermore, the following also take part: Landwirtschaftskammers (NRW, Niedersachsen), research institutes: (Gartenbauzentrum Straelen, ZEPP, Forschungszentrum Jülich), universities (Bonn, Hannover), Fachhochschule Osnabrück, suppliers of plant protection means, suppliers of hothouse technology, producers of services, testing laboratories and suppliers of substratum.

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