Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Winy Maas supervisor Floriade 2022 in Almere

Gemeente Almere heeft Winy Maas, medeoprichter van MVRDV, aangewezen als supervisor van de Floriade 2022. In deze rol zal Maas adviseren over de uitwerking van de onlangs door de raad vastgestelde gebiedsvisie Floriade Stadswijk en het Chw bestemmingsplan Almere centrum Weerwater – Floriade.

Winy Maas supervisor Floriade 2022 in Almere
Hieronder valt onder meer advies geven over het Groenplan voor de beplanting van het arboretum, het inrichtingsplan en kavelpaspoorten en de integratie met het Expoplan en programma. Maas wordt supervisor van landschapsontwerp, tijdelijke en permanente vastgoedprojecten en openbare kunstprojecten in het Floriade gebied. 

Het waarborgen van maximale kwaliteit bij de uitvoering en het bij elkaar brengen van ‘beste practices’ is daarbij het speerpunt. Met de adviesrol zullen ontwerpen getoetst worden op duurzaamheid, circulairiteit, energieneutraliteit en groene initiatieven in combinatie met het arboretum die tezamen zullen leiden tot een succesvol evenement en een voorbeeld groene gezonde stad.

Lees ook: Floriade 2022 volgens MVRDV 300% groener

MVRDV maakte eerder al deel uit van het team met het winnende ontwerp voor de Floriade 2022. Het bureau werkte mee aan de verdere uitwerking van concept en ontwerp dat resulteerde in het Floriade Masterplan in 2015. Uitvoeringswerkzaamheden zijn inmiddels begonnen en de Floriade Expo zal in april 2022 worden geopend.

Friday, July 7, 2017

New Gamification Leaderboard Benefits

CRMGamified® announces that their latest edition, Hurrah! Enterprise, now includes multiple data-source integration as well as a metric customization platform. With this new edition, contact centers and business teams are able to choose the best way to display and measure their data in real time, resulting in more interactive and engaged team members.

Performance and Enhancement
The CRMGamified team understood that need and after several interations and testing, they are proud to announce that Hurrah! Leaderboards are now able to connect with the most popular enterprise database systems. This is ideal for sales call centers but also very useful for those in the customer service or collections verticals.

“We are constantly listening to customers and learning from them,” says Marcos Bacelo, Head of Product Development, CRMGamified. “A feature that was highly requested was the ability to integrate with other data sources, not just Dynamics CRM. The latest Hurrah! version includes a new data connector that is able to get information from most enterprise relational databases like SQL Server, Oracle, and IBM DB2. So now you can get this spread information and present it cohesively in the slides. You can even trigger events based on records created on those systems. We are very excited about these enhancements.”

Data Benefits for Business Team, Sales and Contact Centers
The positive impact for Sales and Customer Service Managers is enormous. Any CRM or Contact Center user will now be able to integrate existing sales data stored elsewhere-be it with Microsoft SQL server, Oracle, IBM DB2, Excel, etc.- and broadcast it right away on the TV screens. Team members are able to view the data of their performance and accomplishments in real time which results in higher levels of productivity.

This new feature proves beneficial to non-Dynamics CRM teams as well as it makes the broadcast of valuable information much easier and user-friendly, regardless of where the data is stored. Further, metrics can now be configured directly from the administration section of Hurrah! allowing more flexibility to the changing business needs of the customer. In an era of big data complexity, a tool that simplifies data integration and seamlessly works across the systems board is essential for a sales/contact center department.

Pricing and Availability
Current Hurrah! users are encouraged to upgrade for free to the latest version. Interested users are invited to view a live demo of Hurrah! Enterprise 

About CRMGamified
Founded in 2011, CRMGamified® offers a suite of products built specifically to help companies exponentially improve income results. Leveraging gamification mechanics and new technologies, CRMGamified offers a modern approach to promote behaviors that lead to revenue growth, boost sales cycles, improve marketing and sales productivity and increase user adoption of Microsoft Dynamics CRM systems. 

Clients include Dallas Cowboys, American Income Life, ClickDimensions, Softchoice, Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls amongst many others. For more information visit and on Twitter @CRMGamified.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Innovaties in voedingsindustrie

Kleine wagens
Eén van de deelnemers is Wim Steverink uit Tollebeek. Hij ontwikkelt landbouwmachines. Steverink ziet een toekomst voor zich waarbij het bewerken van het land niet meer door zware machines gebeurt, maar door kleine wagentjes die zelfstandig hun gang gaan.

Doordat er géén bestuurder meer nodig is kunnen de wagens dag en nacht worden ingezet. Daarnaast beschadigen ze de bodem een stuk minder dan de huidige machines. Het is juist dit soort initiatieven die de provincie wil ondersteunen. "In de landbouw heeft men tot nu toe alleen maar schaalvergroting toegepast.

Dus grotere en zwaardere machines. Steverink gaat weer terug naar de basis. Dat is een fantastisch idee, maar wel moeilijk. Want je gaat tegen de trend in." zegt gedeputeerde Jan-Nico Appelman.


Op dit moment heeft Steverink alleen nog een prototype ontwikkeld. De komende jaren wil hij zijn plan verder uitwerken. Samen met de Wageningen University wordt het prototype onderdeel van een onderzoeksprogramma en een modelstudie. Ook worden er technische bedrijven in de regio gezocht die mee kunnen helpen in dit project. Als hij de wedstrijd wint, kan hij dus rekenen op hulp en een plek op de Floriade.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sensational Virtual Surf Experience!

Crowd Magnet for
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Portable Surf Party With Virtual Electronic Surfboard on a 30-foot Video Wave Tube Full of Sharks, Treasure and GIANT Octopus. 

1. Promote your Brand with Photo Opps, Leader Board, Surf Bucks!

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3. $5,000 Per Month Business Opportunity!

Visit Our Special
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Easy Financing Option Available!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

New Programs for Gardening, Horticulture Groups

Looking for an entertaining and innovative program for a gardening group? The Gesneriad Society has the answer. It has produced a series of webinars available for Anytime Viewing. While most of the programs are available for a modest fee, its Meet the Gesneriad Family program is offered at no cost to both clubs and individuals interested in learning more about the diverse family of plants related to the African Violet and Florist Gloxinia. 

New programs are produced most months and debuted live on a Tuesday night at 9 p.m. EST. Each consists of a lecture by a renowned expert followed by live questions submitted by the audience. The viewing portion consists of pictures showing examples of each plant as well as demonstrating growing, propagating and grooming techniques. 

Some have over 100 pictures, so they are visually quite beautiful. While the link for viewing is unique to the purchaser, he or she can watch the program multiple times (and most do!). “We are thrilled that we are able to provide information about these wonderful plants to so many people in such an affordable format,” says Julie Mavity-Hudson, the Society’s president. “I recommend anyone who grows plants inside or out, take a look at our free program; you won’t be sorry you did,” she concludes.

The programs are available for streaming over the Internet if your club meeting space has Internet access or in a downloadable format for those who wish to download it onto their computers ahead of time. If you are going to show it to more than three or four people, it is recommended you hook up external speakers. Each program lasts about one hour.
  • For additional information or to register for the free Meet the Gesneriad Family downloadable webinar:

About the Gesneriad Society
The Gesneriad Society is an international not-for-profit providing a beneficial association of persons interested in the Gesneriad Plant Family (Gesneriaceae). It publishes a quarterly journal, manages a seed fund and holds an annual convention. 

Its goals are to stimulate a wide-spread interest in the Gesneriad family abd to gather and publish reliable information about the identification, correct nomenclature, culture, propagation, and conservation of gesneriads, and to encourage the origination, introduction, and conservation of species and cultivars. Founded in 1954, the Society has chapters in the US, Canada, and Sweden. 

The Gesneriad Society, Inc. is the International Registration Authority for the names and cultivars of gesneriads excepting the genus Saintpaulia. Additional information about the Society and the plants can be found on its website, 

Media Contact
Mary Schaeffer
302 836 0540